Securitor joins the Association of Financial Advisers


Securitor, part of BT Financial Group, and home to almost 500 advisers across the country, has become the latest licensee to join the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA).

AFA CEO Richard Klipin said the AFA is delighted to welcome Securitor on board. “We have great pleasure in welcoming a licensee of the calibre of Securitor to the AFA and look forward to working with them.”

BT Financial Group Head of Dealer Groups, Matt Englund said the decision to join the AFA was based on the group’s ongoing commitment to supporting the financial planning industry and its professionalism. 

“All of our authorised representatives must be members of a professional association,” Mr Englund said. “We want to provide Securitor practices with access to professional industry associations that can represent their interests. We have been impressed by the quality of the AFA’s membership program, their commitment to the industry and their passion for representing advisers.”

Mr Klipin said, “It is part of our ongoing strategy to welcome more licensees to the AFA so that the voice of advisers is heard more distinctly and more strongly in our communities and in Canberra.” 

Mr Klipin said the AFA has experienced 26 per cent membership growth over the calendar year, a fact he attributes to the AFA’s strong ethos and adviser focus.

“Given all that is happening around the Future of Financial Advice reforms, recruiting more licensees to the AFA is part of the ongoing mission. It has never been more important to ensure that the voice of advisers is heard in our communities and in Canberra. The more voices we have, the louder our concerns will be heard.”

The AFA now represents more 7000 advisers through its relationships with licensees across Australia and individual members.

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