BetaShares September Australian ETF Review: New money inflows boost industry FUM to all-time high

Alex Vynokur
The Australian exchange traded fund (ETF) industry hit a new all-time high in September of $24.1 billion in funds under management (FUM), according to the BetaShares Australian ETF Review – September 2016.
FUM grew by 2% ($530 million), with the Australian ETF industry receiving $580m of inflows for the month. Over the course of the month, the local sharemarket remained flat and global sharemarkets fell. As such, all of growth can be attributed to new money rather than asset value growth, making the month’s industry growth all the more impressive.
Broad Australian equities exposures received the highest flows this month, with net inflows of $250 million, followed by Australian fixed income which experienced net inflows of $124 million.
The best performing exposures in September were all resources/commodities related, with the BetaShares Crude Oil Index ETF (synthetic) (ASX: OOO) and the BetaShares Resources Sector ETF (ASX: QRE) recording the best results of the industry at 6.5% and 5.8%, respectively.
Only one new fund was launched in September; the BetaShares Global Cybersecurity ETF (ASX: HACK).
BetaShares Managing Director Alex Vynokur said: “This month saw Australian investors continue to add local exposures to their portfolios. Australian fixed income, in particular, is a category which has really broken out from a growth perspective in 2016.”
Outflows were limited, with only minor outflows in unhedged European and Japanese equities products for the month.
“ETFs now give investors a broad range of investment choices and therefore the ability to construct balanced portfolios entirely out of ETFs. The outperformance of commodities over equities in September highlights the benefits of diversified asset allocation in investors’ portfolios to help position for a variety of market conditions,” added Mr Vynokur.
Read the BetaShares Australian ETF Review – September 2016 here.
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