Investor return expectations finally leap through the fear barrier


Falls in investor fear throughout 2012 were not translating into higher return expectations and the intention to invest until now, according to new research by Investment Trends. The January 2013

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Key findings: 2012 Investment Trends Planning Software Benchmark Report


IRESS has developed XPLAN into a world class financial planning application that is now exported to several countries. Rated the leading Australian financial planning application in 2012, IRESS has extended

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Adviser product and marketing needs report


Recently released, the 2012 Investment Trends Adviser Product & Marketing Needs Report examines Australian financial planners and their investment product needs, including cash, managed funds and ETFs. Weak capital gain

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Investment trends – margin lending


RBA figures show the total margin lending industry has shrunk from a high of $42bn five years ago to $12.7bn in September 2012. Against this backdrop the eighth annual Investment

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SMSF investor intentions index


The key findings of the September Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) Investor Intentions Index Investment Trends Report were as follows: Concern levels among SMSF trustees retrace as the market shows

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Equity market volatility drives more planners to risk advice


Risk advice is increasingly important to planners’ businesses, with more now advising on it than ever recorded in the eight years of this study’s history, according to a new report

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Australia CFD report


Investment Trends’ annual CFD Report is based on the largest survey of investors conducted in Australia each year. Key findings of annual Investment Trends Australia Contracts for Difference (CFD) Report:

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XPLAN leads planning software market in number of adviser relationships


IRESS continued to be the market leader with its XPLAN and VisiPlan planning software, with 37% of Australian planners using XPLAN and 5% using VisiPlan as their main planning software,

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Planners’ satisfaction with platforms reach the highest level recorded


Satisfaction with platforms reached the highest level recorded in the nine years of this study’s history, according to a new report released in April from leading wealth researcher Investment Trends.

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