Managed accounts pass Best Interest test, delivering efficiencies to advice firms during disruptive times


Leading research firm Investment Trends has released its annual Managed Accounts Report, and in-depth study of financial planners’ use of managed accounts in Australia. The twelfth annual edition of the

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Adviser satisfaction with platforms has fallen, but improved support services will be key to lifting ratings


Leading research firm Investment Trends has released its latest Adviser Technology Needs Report, an in-depth look at the evolving technology needs of financial advisers, as well as their usage of

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Super Member Engagement Report – Members are paying close attention to super fund merger activity


Key points 27% of members see merging with a larger fund as a positive outcome compared to 11% who see it as a negative. The majority are indifferent The few

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More Australians are considering ESG factors in their investing decisions


Leading research firm Investment Trends has released its inaugural ESG Investor Report, the largest scale and deepest dive into the attitudes towards ESG investing among Australian investors. The consideration of

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Disruption to the advice tech stack is happening at pace


Leading research firm Investment Trends has launched its 2020 Advice Technology Benchmark Report, which provides an in-depth review of developments in technology used by financial advisers to deliver advice, covering

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Advice providers need to keep up with the shifting preferences of HNW investors


Leading research firm Investment Trends has launched its flagship 2020 High Net Worth Investor Report, the largest annual study of Australia’s wealthiest investors (defined as those with over $1 million

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The retail investing market grows at pace as Australians respond to changing macro conditions and embrace new digital investing solutions


Leading research firm Investment Trends has launched its 2020 2H Online Investing Report, an in-depth study of the attitudes and preferences of online equities and ETF investors in Australia. At

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Platforms fast-track digitalisation of key processes to support financial advisers in a socially distanced world


Leading research firm Investment Trends has launched its 2020 Platform Benchmarking & Competitive Analysis Report, an in-depth study of investment platforms used by Australia’s financial advisers and their clients. Digitalisation

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Pandemic challenges planners to reassess delivery of risk advice: 2020 Planner Risk Report


Investment Trends has released its 2020 Planner Risk Report, an in-depth survey of Australian financial planners who provide advice on life insurance. The pandemic has challenged financial planners to reassess

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Investment Trends names Head of Strategy


Investment Trends has appointed Andrew Tunny as Head of Strategy. Andrew’s appointment affirms Investment Trends’ commitment to widen the breadth and depth of our consumer and intermediary research to meet

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