Firm Focus on the Impacts of FoFA Reforms – FSC Annual Conference 2012


For advisers wanting to hear the latest on FoFA, this year’s Financial Services Council Annual Conference on the Gold Coast from August 1 through to August 3, is the must attend event of 2012.

This year’s Conference includes a firm focus on the impacts of the FoFA reforms on the profession in Major Issues Sessions on ‘Advice as a Profession’, to ‘Intra-Fund or Scale Advice?’, and ‘The Licensee of the Future’.

The Advice as a Profession session will consider the changes required of the future financial planner / adviser as a result of key elements of the FoFA reforms including best interest duty, the opt-in exemption / Code of Conduct and new competency requirements created by the Tax Agent Services Reform Act.

One of the government’s objectives for FoFA is to deliver more affordable and accessible advice. In the ‘to Intra-Fund or Scale Advice’ session advisers can hear from the industry participants and the regulator on how advice might be scaled or limited in a post FoFA world.

The program also looks at ‘the Licensee of the Future’ and considers if the FoFA reform package is a paradigm change for Licensees in Australia. This session will consider how the various aspects of FoFA legislation, regulation and ASIC guidance impacts the Licensee of the Future and advice delivery.

And in a Workshop session on the opening day of the Conference, August 1, the subject matter will switch to ‘advising clients on insurance in a post FoFA world’.

In addition to Major Issues Sessions specifically for the advice profession and other key policy areas for the financial services sector, the FSC Annual Conference program features an impressive list of industry experts, politicians, regulators and influential local and international speakers.

The latest high profile addition to the program is Yahoo 7 CEO Rohan Lund who was recently ranked number six on the Power Index’s list of the Top 10 most powerful Australian’s in digital media. Mr Lund will speak on how new technologies are changing the way we do business.

Early Bird bookings for the FSC Annual Conference close on Thursday, May 31, 2012.

To register and secure the $150 early bird discount click here

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