Two Alphinity Australian share funds receive ‘Highly Recommended’ rating

Andrew Martin
Two of Alphinity Investment Management’s Australian share funds have been rated ‘Highly Recommended’ by Zenith Investment Partners.
The leading Australian and global equities boutique fund manager has had its Alphinity Concentrated Australian Share Fund upgraded to the highest available rating, while the Alphinity Australian Share Fund has retained its ‘Highly Recommended’ rating for the fifth-consecutive year.
The Alphinity Concentrated Australian Share Fund provides investors with a concentrated exposure (20-35 securities) to ‘high conviction’ investment ideas in companies whose earnings growth potential has been underestimated by the market, as assessed by Alphinity’s extensive fundamental bottom-up research and targeted quantitative analysis.
The Alphinity Australian Share Fund provides investors with a similar but broader exposure to between 35 and 55 Australian stocks whose earnings growth potential has been under estimated by the market.
Since its launch in July 2010 the Alphinity Concentrated Australian Share Fund has delivered an outstanding 11.7% per annum net of fees, including 17.7% in the year to 30 June 2018, 4.7% above the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation benchmark.
Over the same almost eight year period the Alphinity Australian Share Fund has delivered 10.3% per annum net of fees, including 16.7% in the year to 30 June 2018, 3.4% above the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation benchmark.
In the rating report, Zenith noted its ‘high regard’ for Alphinity’s investment team members, citing their experience, familiarity of working together and consistent historical outperformance of the benchmark.
“Zenith believes Alphinity’s formalised assessment of both a longer-term fundamental valuation and short term market indicators, is relatively unique within the Australian market and has the fund well positioned to capitalise on mispricing opportunities across the full market cycle,” the managed fund research firm said about both funds.
Alphinity Principal and Portfolio Manager Andrew Martin said it was pleasing that the work of the investment team and its disciplined approach continued to receive strong independent validation.
”Being recognised as a fund that not only produces strong results for investors over a long period of time, but one that does it in a particularly disciplined and consistent manner is a really encouraging result for the team. This strong endorsement caps off another positive year for investors in our funds. We have added a number of really experienced new members to the investment team in the last year who are very focused on adding to that record.”
Alphinity Investment Management is majority owned by the investment team, and partly owned by Fidante Partners, the boutique funds management business of Challenger Limited.
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