John Maroney
Industry experts will dissect the Retirement Income Review (RIR) report that was handed down late last year at the 2021 SMSF Association National Conference being held virtually on 16 and 18 February.
SMSF Association CEO John Maroney says: “We are extremely lucky to have one of the RIR panel members, Dr Deborah Ralston, address the issues raised by this important report, as well as having input from the Association’s Deputy CEO/Director of Policy & Education, Peter Burgess, Vanguard’s Head of Corporate Affairs, Robin Bowerman, and Challenger’s Chairman of Retirement Income, Jeremy Cooper.
“All four have a wealth of knowledge and experience about Australia’s retirement income system. It will be invaluable for conference delegates to hear insights into their thinking on a report that will have an ongoing influence of Australia’s retirement income system.
Maroney says other highlights from the conference will be special addresses by the Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy, Senator Jane Hume, the Shadow Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation, Stephen Jones, ATO Commissioner Chris Jordan and Danielle Press from ASIC.
“We are fortunate to have both the Minister and Shadow Minister for our sector take time out of their busy schedules to address the conference. As the country emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, their views of how they plan to tackle the various issues confronting our sector will make for interesting listening.
“Other highlights will be Peter Burgess giving the latest legislative and regulation updates in his highly anticipated plenary session, with other sessions covering issues such as auditor independence, positioning an SMSF practice for growth, identifying unmet advice needs, divorce and SMSF disputes, and COVID-19 relief measures.
“As always, it will be a comprehensive technical program that is designed by SMSF practitioners for SMSF practitioners.”
This year’s virtual conference does have the benefit of not requiring travel or accommodation, as well as the luxury of people being able to tune in from the comfort of the home or office. And the entire technical program contains more than 30 CPD hours.
There will be access to the online platform until Friday 9 April 2021 for all registered delegates.
Registrations, full program and speaker information.
For more details about the Retirement Income Review Session.
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