SuperConcepts brings document provider integration with Smarter SMSF


Specialist SMSF administration software providers SuperConcepts and Smarter SMSF have announced an integration between SuperMate and the Smarter SMSF documentation platform. During a recent webinar, Andy Forbes, SuperConcepts Chief Technology... Read more continue reading

Valuable SMSF investment insights released for Q4 2022


Self-managed super fund (SMSF) technology and administration provider SuperConcepts has released the latest SMSF Investment Patterns Survey which indicates a possible resurgence in term deposits as official interest rates rise.... Read more continue reading

Incentivising pensioners to downsize


Significant changes to the social security means test treatment of sale proceeds of the principal home. The amendments will also modify the application of the Income Test by treating the... Read more continue reading

Ethics and SMSF advice


SMSFs comprise more than one quarter of Australia’s $3.4 trillion[1] superannuation sector, with 28,685 new SFSFs established in the year ended 31 March 2022[2]. SMSFs are subject to a number... Read more continue reading

New headaches for NSW property owned by SMSFs


Amendments made last month to the NSW Duties Act could cause material headaches to super funds holding real estate in NSW. The only remedy for those headaches is good compliance... Read more continue reading

SuperConcepts relaunches quarterly SMSF Investment Patterns Survey


Self-managed super fund (SMSF) technology and administration provider SuperConcepts has relaunched their SMSF Investment Patterns Survey with findings for March 2022 after a harmonisation of internal systems. The report presents... Read more continue reading

Accidental vesting of an SMSF


In essence a self-managed superannuation fund is a special form of trust and satisfies general trust law as the assets of the fund are held on trust by a trustee... Read more continue reading

SMSFs’ investment returns competitive with APRA funds at $200,000


The investment performance of a typical self-managed super fund (SMSF) improves as the fund balance approaches $200,000. Once this threshold is reached the fund achieves comparable investment returns with APRA... Read more continue reading

Does a criminal record disqualify you as an SMSF trustee?


It is best for SMSF trustees to continuously maintain a clean record to keep their SMSF but getting a criminal record is not yet the end of the world. An... Read more continue reading

What to consider when updating SMSF trust deed


If your trust deed was prepared quite some time ago, it may be time to update the governing rules of your SMSF trust deed. Doing so means that you can... Read more continue reading