CPD: Top 10 tips for providing ethical advice


The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) does more than hear complaints; it also provides tools to help financial advisers meet their legal and ethical obligations throughout the advice process. This

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10 tips for ethical advice


As well as investigating complaints, AFCA provides tools to help financial advisers meet their legal and ethical obligations when providing advice. This article, proudly sponsored by GSFM, examines some of

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Ethics and your fiduciary duty


A financial adviser’s fiduciary duty to their clients is both a legal and ethical requirement. This article, proudly sponsored by GSFM, explores the significance of fiduciary duty in ethical financial

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Ethics and the professional adviser


In financial planning, ethics can be distilled into acting in the client’s best interests at all times, acting with competence, honesty, integrity and fairness. This article, proudly sponsored by GSFM

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Ethics, informed consent and the Statement of Advice


In today’s complex financial landscape, seeking guidance from a professional financial adviser has become increasingly important. This article, proudly sponsored by GSMF, examines the relationship between an SOA, informed consent

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Managing ethics and referral or outsource partners


It’s a rare financial advice practice that doesn’t have referral partners that they send business to or receive business from. Using third party outsource providers for non-client facing elements of

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Ethics and your peers


Ethics and the values that underpin them provide a moral compass by which people live their lives. This article, proudly sponsored by GSFM, examines ways that a financial advice practice

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The important role of business culture in an ethical financial advice practice


Financial advisers play a crucial role in helping Australians achieve their financial goals. However, the trustworthiness and credibility of financial advisers have been eroded in recent years due to various

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Ethical standards – a review (Part two)


The Code of Ethics became law on 1 January 2020 to ensure best practice across Australia’s financial advice providers. In this article, proudly sponsored by GSFM, standards seven to twelve

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=Ethical standards – a review (Part one)


The Code of Ethics became law on 1 January 2020 to ensure best practice across Australia’s financial advice providers. In this article, proudly sponsored by GSFM, standards one to six

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