Regulatory response – What you need to know about claims as a financial service


The Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Bill 2020 was passed by Parliament on 10 December 2020. It covers a range of reforms, in line with the revised regulatory

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Deferred sales model for add-on insurance


Finity and The Fold Legal released an update on the Royal Commission’s recommendations into add-on insurance in July 2019. After two separate consultation papers, Treasury has recently released: An Exposure Draft

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Royal Commission response: Add-on insurance


Sale of so-called ‘add-on insurances’ has been widely criticised in Australia for some time. Here’s why: High pressure sales methods Poor value products, poorly understood Sometime a consumer is not

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Royal Commission response: Design and distribution obligations


In the last sitting week of parliament, the first piece of legislation responding to the Hayne Report was passed. New product design and distribution obligations will apply to insurers (and

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Royal Commission Response: Enforceable codes


This note discusses the Hayne Royal Commission recommendations 4.9 and 4.10 that the law should be amended: to provide for enforceable provisions of industry codes for the establishment and imposition

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Royal Commission Response – Claims as financial service


The recommendation to regulate claims handling as a ‘financial service’ impacts both general insurance and life insurance, although this analysis is limited to general insurance. The change may be more far-reaching

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