How does an SMSF buy a property?


There are a lot of considerations about buying property as an investment and the complexities increase when the purchaser is an SMSF. Importantly with an SMSF, there are a number

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Cybercrime – reduce your online risk


Every year, thousands of Australians and Australian businesses fall victim to online crime, or ‘cybercrime’. In the first three months of 2018 alone there were 14,189 reports made to the Australian

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How do you make your philanthropy (your structured giving) work best?​


Australia ranks third in the world for giving, with 73% of Australians making a charitable donation. Todd Stanford assists his private clients at Profile Financial Services with advice and strategies

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Philanthropic giving via a Public Ancillary Fund


A PuAF is a communal tax exempt philanthropic trust that enables a number of donors to establish and name a ‘sub fund’ under the broader PuAF structure. With a sub

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Profile Financial Services and onePlan Financial Planning join forces


Profile Financial Services has recently acquired onePlan Financial Planning, based in Mudgee. A recent successful client welcome event was the culmination of several months of work integrating clients, systems and

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Managing wealth to objectives


Objectives-Based Investing (OBI) or Goals-Based Investing describes not only an investment philosophy, but also a method of implementation that sets it apart from traditional financial planning. When I read about

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How is FASEA impacting our industry?


There are many financial planners who may not have formal studies and qualifications, but who have clearly demonstrated an ethical, professional attitude and behaved in a manner that has allowed

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What is Objectives-Based investing?


Objective-Based Investing (OBI for short) is an investment approach that seeks to align investments and portfolios with the client’s specific needs and objectives.  The result is one or more customised

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Fee for no service exposed


The early findings from the Financial Services Royal Commission makes for some interesting reading. While some of the news may not shock you, there are some key takeaways that clients

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Philanthropic giving – Private Ancillary Fund (PAF)


“To give away money is an easy matter and in any man’s power. But to decide to whom to give it and how large and when, and for what purpose

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