Family Trust as the New SMSF?


Have the ‘ScoMo’ changes (which now seem likely to be implemented – subject to one or two minor changes) amounted to the demise of SMSFs as the preferred private wealth

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SMSF: Three questions commonly asked when establishing an SMSF corporate trustee


We are regularly asked these three questions by clients either setting up a new fund with a new corporate trustee or wanting to change their trustees from individuals to a

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SUPERCentral launches estate planning training program


What do financial planners and accountants have to do to meet the challenge of revenue loss resulting from government regulation and technological replacement of their customary roles? Financial planners are

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SUPERCentral provides access to new bundled documents


SUPERCentral has been refining its SMSF deed processes over the past few months, and now provides several bundled document services at the same time as establishing or converting an SMSF including: company establishment

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Estate planning is not just for the wealthy


Over 2 million small business owners should take action One of the reasons people give for not sorting out their estate planning is that they don’t think they have enough

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Estate Planning Service with a true adviser focus


Trustees must now pay attention to ownership details and their adviser can help guide them through the process with expert estate planning support. SUPERCentral’s flagship online Estate Planning Guide and

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SMSF borrowing changes


This Draft Ruling, SMSF 2011/D1, released by the ATO on 14 September 2011 deals with a number of controversial issues relating to limited recourse borrowing. The Draft Ruling should be welcomed

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A Short Morality Play – The Triway Super Case


A recent decision of the AAT has highlighted certain basic rules when operating an SMSF. The facts of the case are very straightforward. A couple, at the urging of their

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