Dangers in the rush to buy bonds


Investment bubbles are hard to spot. Just ask Alan Greenspan. The former chairman of America’s central bank famously warned in December 1996 that stock market investors were displaying “irrational exuberance”. He

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The US election and the markets


The US election is becoming one of the next key considerations for equity investors. Ironically, the state of the American economy and stock market could influence the election outcome. In

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Darkest before the dawn


Is the recent pick-up in several major stock markets more than just another short-lived rally? The latest headlines are not often the best indicator of the direction of the market,

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The 10 questions investors are asking…and the answers


What are the top 10 questions advisers are getting from their clients? Here they are – with answers provided by Fidelity Worldwide Investment. How does the situation in Europe affect

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Ways to handle market volatility


Markets are being driven by politics and they won’t stabilise while the eurozone situation is unresolved and, more importantly, while the threat remains that Spain or Italy could go the

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Big investment themes – what’s next?


The world is passing through a period of massive change – which themes will drive markets in the years to come? In an age of instant communication in which investors

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Does the January effect signal a good year for equities?


Ben Graham, Warren Buffett’s mentor and the father of modern share analysis, explained the ups and downs of the market to his students like this – he told them to

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Is Japan a good investment prospect?


It was all over the headlines, but has since disappeared –  what’s happening to Japan’s economy now? Since the March earthquake, the Japanese economy has plotted a v-shaped recovery as

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In two speed world economy, one region provides two thirds of global growth


We inhabit a two-speed economic world – and the growth differential between buoyant East and depressed West is getting wider. More than two thirds of all global growth this year

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