All Star IAM Australian Share Fund achieves Recommended rating by Zenith


Kate Mulligan, Managing Director of All Star Funds has announced today that the All Star IAM Australian Share Fund has been given a rating of “Recommended” by ratings agency Zenith.

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Deferred date for new tax treatments for managed investment trusts


Last year, the government announced a new tax system for managed investment trusts (MITs) that will reduce complexity, increase certainty and minimise compliance costs for MITs and their investors.  In

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The taxation of financial arrangements under TOFA rules


Background to the TOFA reforms The TOFA reforms were first announced in the 1992 budget and were later taken up by the Review of Business Taxation. The review’s final report

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Investors demand more competitive offerings from Alternative Strategies – Multi Asset Sector


Notable changes have occurred in the Alternative Strategies – Multi Asset sector since Standard & Poor’s Fund Services’ last review in December 2009, according to the Sector Report published today.

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Research reveals investor appetite for future innovation, but on new terms


Improve existing products before creating new Focus on solutions which deliver targeted outcomes Human judgement a key enabler Third party administrators a partner for innovation An annual, independent study released

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S&P Assigns ‘STRONG’ Rating To Commonwealth Bank’s Vantage+ Product


Standard & Poor’s Fund Services has assigned its ‘STRONG’ rating to the Commonwealth Bank Vantage+ product. This reflects what we view as a solid expected risk-return profile, simple and efficient

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Australia sets the standard in ETF regulation


BetaShares Capital Ltd (BetaShares), one of Australia’s leading exchange traded fund (ETF) providers, says Australia is leading the way with best practice standards for regulating ETFs that are designed to

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Digging Deeper: Institutional ETF investment in Australia


The Australian ETF market has gathered momentum over the last two years, gathering AUM across a range of products, investment styles and providers.   However unlike the US or Europe,

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A Short Morality Play – The Triway Super Case


A recent decision of the AAT has highlighted certain basic rules when operating an SMSF. The facts of the case are very straightforward. A couple, at the urging of their

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CommSec: Population growth hits 5-year low and cash is now king


Demographic data; Financial Accounts Australia’s population grew by 69,703 people over the December quarter to 22,477,378. Annual population growth slowed from 1.57 per cent to 1.47 per cent – the

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