AI to drive electricity demand and outperformance of infrastructure companies


The investment case for infrastructure has never been stronger, with significant investment in power grids required due to the boom in artificial intelligence (“AI”), the green energy transition and onshoring

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AI stocks are due for a retrenchment, but AI benefits are real and will take decades to play out


US equity market strength over the past year has been driven by the magnificent seven and artificial intelligence (AI) players, and this trend is set to continue into 2025 and

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Questions mount over how to regulate AI


Policymakers face a significant challenge in regulating artificial intelligence (AI) as innovations quickly expand while citizens demand action to ensure AI applications don’t endanger their safety, according to Dr Kevin

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AI to impact high-paid workers more than manual workers: Epoch whitepaper


Occupations most likely to be impacted by artificial intelligence (AI) are white-collar jobs, including well paid positions requiring high levels of formal education. On the other hand, the jobs least

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Recession… what recession?


Since August of 2022 the Bloomberg consensus has placed a probability of 50% or more on a US recession occurring within the next 12 months. However, despite 525 basis points

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MMT – Free lunch or road to perdition?


The following article is authored by two investment luminaries from Epoch Investment Partners: William W. Priest, CFA — Executive Chairman, Co-CIO and Portfolio Manager Kevin Hebner, PhD — Managing Director,

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Blitzscale and hope – unicorns, IPOs and the fear of repeating the late 1990s


The current hype about two-sided digital platforms, blitzscaling and winner-takes-most markets has fuelled a surge in IPO listings. It is perhaps unsurprising that this exuberance, especially when combined with inordinate

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Trump, Tech and Trade


China 2025 is perceived as an existential threat to US commercial and technological leadership. This raises the risk that the Trump administration could conclude that its best response is to

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Is Japan investable through a cash flow prism?


There are so many ways companies, sectors and economies can be viewed: many investors study traditional accounting metrics such as price/earnings (P/E) and price/book value (P/BV) ratios of companies and

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