Trustees’ duties are often misunderstood, says SPAA


The wide-ranging responsibilities of SMSF trustees to all fund members are often misunderstood and unappreciated by their critics, says Graeme Colley, Director, Technical and Professional Standards, of the SMSF Professionals’

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SMSF critics should look to the facts, not their biases


In the eyes of their critics it seems SMSF trustees can never get it right on the investment front, says Graeme Colley, Director, Technical and Professional Standards, of the SMSF

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SPAA urges overhaul of education and training requirements


The SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) has told a parliamentary inquiry that the education and training requirements for the financial advisory industry need to be radically overhauled. In 21-page

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Remove super from short-term political cycle: SPAA


The Government’s decision to again delay the introduction of the promised Superannuation Guarantee (SG) increases highlights the need for superannuation to be removed from the short-term political cycle, says SMSF

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SPAA message to FSI: SMSF sector performing well


The SMSF sector was a well-functioning, efficient and allowing many Australians to meet their retirement income goals, the SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) said its final submission to the

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In-house asset rules a trap for SMSF advisors, trustees


The in-house asset rules pose one the biggest pitfalls for SMSF trustees and their professional advisors, says Graeme Colley, Director, Technical and Professional Standards, of the SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA).

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SPAA expands member education services with technical mentoring program


The SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) has developed a new online technical mentoring program for its specialist members, says Managing Director/CEO Andrea Slattery. The new educational program, available to

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SPAA backs ASIC move to clarify wholesale investor test


The SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) welcomes the decision by ASIC to clarify the working of the wholesale investor test and how it relates to SMSF professionals and trustees.

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SPAA establishes best practice guidelines for SMSF borrowings


The SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia (SPAA) has developed best practice guidelines for SMSF limited recourse borrowing arrangements (LRBAs) – with the National Australia Bank (NAB) agreeing to adhere to

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Inquiries put retirement income products up for debate


 The Financial System Inquiry and Government Pension Review have the potential to open up the availability of “relevant and appropriate” retirement income products, Jordan George, Senior Manager, Technical & Policy, of

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