Ethics and the professional practice


In financial planning, ethics can be distilled into acting in the client’s best interests at all times, acting with competence, honesty, integrity and fairness. In short, the way any one

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Ethics and your elderly clients


The COVID-19 pandemic not only caused older Australians to worry about their health and finances, it reportedly increased the incidence of elder abuse. This includes an increase in reported financial

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Ethics and SMSFs


It was 1999 when self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) first became part of Australia’s superannuation landscape. Over the following twenty plus years, SMSFs have become a significant part of Australia’s $3

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The ethics-centric financial advice practice


Professional standards reforms for financial advisers were introduced to the Corporations Act 2001 in March 2017 to raise the education, training and ethical standards of people providing personal advice to retail clients.

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CPD: Ethics and inadequate financial advice


On 1 January 2020, FASEA’s Code of Ethics became enforceable by law, requiring advisers to comply with its 12 detailed standards. By the end of 2020, it was announced that

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CPD: Ethics and financial control


Financial control, a form of financial or economic abuse, is unfortunately an increasingly common occurrence across a range of age and socio-economic groups. During financially and emotionally challenging times, such

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A deep dive into FASEA’s Code of Ethics – Part two


FASEAS’s Code of Ethics with its twelve standards, became law on 1 January 2020. Its aim, to ensure best practice and positive client outcomes from Australia’s financial advice providers. In

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A deep dive into FASEA’s Code of Ethics – Part one


Consumers expect the best of their professional service providers, however it’s not always the case. FASEAS’s Code of Ethics, and its twelve standards, became law on 1 January 2020 to

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Ethics and the use of listed securities


Over the last decade there’s been an explosion in the number and types of listed products available to Australian investors. There’s been a commensurate increase in the number of investors

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Ethics – the ‘grey’ zone


FASEA’s Code of Ethics seeks to impose ethical duties that go above the requirements of the law. It’s designed to encourage and embed higher standards of behaviour and professionalism in

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